Where verrucae are painful, stubborn, unsightly and/or spreading, we can help. We can assess and advise you on the best approach for you with treatment dependent upon your age, the number of verrucae present, their location, size etc.
Please be aware no single verruca treatment option is 100% guaranteed to be successful and each one has pros and cons to be considered.
Debridement: Where verrucae are painful or stubborn, we can help by undertaking the usually painless removal of the overlying surface of the verruca, although during this process the verruca may bleed debridement can help with any discomfort and may be considered sufficient treatment on its own.
Especially for children, debridement and/or occlusion (using zinc oxide tape at home) may be sufficient to help. The tape traps TEWLS (Trans Epidermal Water Loss) so that the verrucae soften and become painless. It can take months so patience is needed!
Acid based treatment: Another treatment is to use acid in a paste form to destroy the infected tissue; the type of acid treatment we use is stronger that over the counter treatments you might purchase from your local pharmacy and softens the skin and leads to a mild inflammation which by doing so stimulates the body to fight off the virus. It is a preferred approach by some because it is usually a relatively painless procedure, although there can be a little discomfort 2-3 days later when the acid starts to work
This approach is using extreme cold temperatures to destroy the infected tissue by carefully applying liquid nitrogen or nitrous oxide. This is a traditional method that has commonly been used by GPs and Podiatrists but it can however feel quite uncomfortable. Once the area has been frozen a small scab or blister usually forms. It uses extreme cold therefore is an uncomfortable procedure, some discomfort can also be expected a few days after treatment.
This is a relatively new method for treating verrucae which is popular due to being less invasive
(relatively low levels of discomfort) and highly effective. It is a topical solution (only used by health professionals) that contains Nitrizinc complex which we apply directly to the affected area after debridement. The nitri-zinc complex kills the wart tissue by breaking down its protein structure, leaving intact skin underneath. The number of Verrutop treatments required can vary depending on several factors, including the size, location and severity of the verrucae or wart. On average 3 treatments is sufficient but up to 6 treatments may be required, with an interval of 10-14 days between each treatment. The manufacturers of Verrutop state that following clinical trials 90% of patients were cured after a maximum of 6 treatments and 80% of patient saw clearance within 4 applications
Verruca Needling:
–This is good for treating stubborn verrucae by needling just one verruca. Compared to some other methods verruca needling usually requires fewer sessions (1-2) and shorter treatment durations. Most patients can expect to see positive results within a few weeks to a few months. However, this procedure is more invasive in that it requires the foot to be numbed using a local anaesthetic. Injections are given around your ankle or in your foot before using a small fine needle to cause controlled damage puncturing down through the epidermis and dermis; pushing the virus from the outer layer of skin (epidermis) into the deeper dermal layer of skin where it cannot survive